Of the 5,056 students attending Uvalde County County schools, 84.7% were Hispanic. White students were the second largest ethnicity, making up 13.9% of Uvalde County County students.
In the previous school year, Hispanic students still were the most common group in Uvalde County County, representing 84.3% of the student body.
Uvalde High School had the most diverse student body in Uvalde County County, including white, American Indian, Black, Asian, Hispanic, Pacific Islander, and Multi-racial.
In the 2021-22 school year, the total number of students enrolled in public schools in the county increased 10.2% when compared to the previous year.
Texas is found to be one of the least educated states in the U.S. A study from WalletHub ranked Texas 41st out of 50 states in terms of the quality of the educational system and how successful students were.
More than 5.4 million students are enrolled in public schools across Texas. Nearly one million of them live in rural areas where options for local public schools are few and far between.
School name | Most prevalent ethnic group | Percent of Total Student Body | Total enrollment |
Crossroads Academy | Hispanic | 95.7% | 46 |
Dalton Elementary School | Hispanic | 90.4% | 595 |
Flores Elementary School | Hispanic | 89.7% | 429 |
Knippa School | Hispanic | 59.2% | 412 |
Morales Junior High School | Hispanic | 91.8% | 661 |
Robb Elementary School | Hispanic | 90.4% | 571 |
Sabinal Elementary School | Hispanic | 86.9% | 176 |
Sabinal High School | Hispanic | 85.1% | 121 |
Sabinal Middle School | Hispanic | 83.3% | 102 |
Utopia School | white | 73.7% | 213 |
Uvalde Dual Language Academy | Hispanic | 90.2% | 570 |
Uvalde High School | Hispanic | 89.9% | 1,160 |